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How can your big tech conference experience benefit the less fortunate?

Robert Novak of  rsts11 comments:

When I was up in San Francisco for VMworld last summer, I had two encounters with homeless folks. One was a man being very aggressive outside CXIParty, which was not conducive to help, but the other was less uncomfortable.

A guy who had very recently received a tee shirt that had been given out in the vendor expo that week asked if the company on it was a good one. And it got me thinking. I couldn’t answer his question, honestly, although I had a vague memory of what that company did. I probably had the shirt in my bag back at the hotel, and it’s probably gone to Goodwill since then. So did it do anything for me? Not really. Could it have helped someone else? Almost definitely.  

Rob has a great point here. The infrastructure that trade shows use to support attendees could help those in need as well. AirTight Networks is donating a wireless network to an organization in need thanks to Wireless Field Day 6. What ways can you come up with to help?

Read more at: How can your big tech conference experience benefit the less fortunate?

About the author

Tom Hollingsworth

Tom Hollingsworth is a networking professional, blogger, and speaker on advanced technology topics. He is also an organizer for networking and wireless for Tech Field Day.  His blog can be found at

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