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SSD Storage Closer to CPU – That’s Memory Channel Storage by Diablo Technologies for Next Gen VSAN

Vladan Seget of ESX Virtualization writes:

Today’s SSD’s the way they are connected to the motherboard are usually through SATA/SAS or PCIe. However those interfaces are still limited in bandwidth and access times resulting some latency, even compared to spinning disks  SSDs  via SATA/SAS or PCIe offers superiour performance and low latency. Diablo Technologies offers superior performance and lower latency by placing SSD chips via  modules  which are plugged where usually RAM Memory chipsgoes. This Memory Channel Storage Solution offers parallel access to the SSD’s present in those RAM slots the access times are the fastest ones and the latency lowest.

Memory channel storage is incredibly fast. As fast as the difference between SSDs and spinning disks. Plus, I’m a fan of bringing back “Memory Channel” as a computer acronym.

Read more: SSD Storage Closer to CPU – That’s Memory Channel Storage by Diablo Technologies for Next Gen VSAN

About the author

Tom Hollingsworth

Tom Hollingsworth is a networking professional, blogger, and speaker on advanced technology topics. He is also an organizer for networking and wireless for Tech Field Day.  His blog can be found at

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