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The Software-Defined Data Center with Nuage

Steve Beaver of The Virtualization Practice writes:

he software-defined data center was all the rage at VMworld 2013, when NSX,  VMware’s network virtualization platform, was announced. At VMworld 2014, the honeymoon of the NSX hype had worn off some, yet network virtualization is still a key growing and maturing technology. Nevertheless, it is still too immature for an all-out adoption at this point, in my opinion. I had an opportunity during the VMworld 2014  Tech Field Day Extra  to sit in on a briefing and demo from Nuage Networks.

At the beginning, the presenter going over the technology was speaking “networkese” very fast. I sported a bit of a “deer in the headlight” look until he got to the demo, after which my understanding of the technology changed drastically for the better. If anyone from Nuage Networks is reading this, I have a recommendation for you: when speaking with people who are not network primaries, start with the demo and  then  get into the technical aspects. This should  help  prompt questions that can guide you into the technical deep end.

Read on for Steve’s recap of Florin Balus’s presentation at Tech Field Day Extra at VMworld. These networking folks may be on to something.

Read more: The Software-Defined Data Center with Nuage

About the author

Tom Hollingsworth

Tom Hollingsworth is a networking professional, blogger, and speaker on advanced technology topics. He is also an organizer for networking and wireless for Tech Field Day.  His blog can be found at

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