The Raspberry Pi is truly a wondrous little SoC. Even with its limited CPU power, single USB port for I/O, and arguably unappetizing namesake, it’s inspired a rash of creativity that continues four years after its initial debut. They’ve been used to make photogrammetry-based 3D scanners, inefficient Beowulf clusters, and old school arcades. So why not make some custom Docker-ready disk images? This walkthrough makes it pretty easy, although I’m honestly not sure why you’d need it. Still when it comes to a Raspberry Pi, sometimes “why not” is the best reason.
Think. Create. Share. comments:
For this blog post I’d like to show how you can build your own custom Docker-ready Raspberry Pi image.
Why, you ask?
Well…You might want to include some packages that you always manually install.
Or change the standard username frompi
Maybe you want to slim down the standard Raspbian distro to the bare minimums needed.Whatever the reason, I’m here to provide you with a way to do it 🙂
Simple way to build a custom Docker-ready Raspberry Pi image was originally published by Jonas Rosland at Think. Create. Share. on November 11, 2016.
Read more at: Simple way to build a custom Docker-ready Raspberry Pi image