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Coho Data, the packet processing squeeze and working set exploits

Ray Lucchesi of RayOnStorage writes:

Andy’s always a joy to talk with and this time was no exception. Andy started out talking about the speed of networking and what it meant for network packet processing time. He showed a chart with network speeds on the horizontal axis and packet processing time (in nsec) on the vertical access. It was a log-log chart but it showed an exponential decay such that at 10GbE a system had 67.2nsec to process a packet, at 40GbE, it had 16.8nsec to process a packet and at 100GbE the system had 6.7nsec to process a single packet. He was leading up to explaining why “storage datapaths are like network datapaths in hell”.

Ray has some great thoughts on the math behind Andy Warfield’s presentation at Storage Field Day last week.

Read more: Coho Data, the packet processing squeeze and working set exploits

About the author

Tom Hollingsworth

Tom Hollingsworth is a networking professional, blogger, and speaker on advanced technology topics. He is also an organizer for networking and wireless for Tech Field Day.  His blog can be found at

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