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iOS 13 and iPadOS Wi-Fi Diagnostics

When you’re dealing with consumer devices that attach to the wireless network, you’re really talking about Apple mobile devices like the iPhone and iPad most of the time. Apple makes up around 50% of the mobile device market. However, unlike devices based on Google’s Android operating system, most of the internals of the way iOS operates with regard to WLANs are obfuscated from the average user. Apple’s policy of “it just works” doesn’t help us do much troubleshooting when it doesn’t work.

George Stefanick has done a lot of troubleshooting of Apple mobile devices over the years. That’s why he was super excited to see the new iOS Diagnostics utility make it through the iOS 13 beta intact and be available for use by end-users looking to provide a bit more troubleshooting data to their IT staff when looking to figure out why something isn’t working correctly. George has some great thoughts on it here:

iOS 13 and iPadOS are an ongoing evolution of functionality and how we can use them in our workflows.  We’ve all seen the WWDC keynotes, news articles, and YouTube videos displaying the new abilities coming this fall.  Again as wireless engineers we ask, “What’s in it for me?”

Hold on to you RF hats, because iOS13/iPadOS has brought an unexpected diamond to us as well! You are now looking at WI-Fi Diagnostics on iOS13 and iPadOS! What you are seeing is live data utilizing the iOS 13 & iPadOS beta and the Apple WiFi Performance Diagnostics profile for iOS.

Read more from George here – iOS 13 and iPadOS Wi-Fi Diagnostics

About the author

Tom Hollingsworth

Tom Hollingsworth is a networking professional, blogger, and speaker on advanced technology topics. He is also an organizer for networking and wireless for Tech Field Day.  His blog can be found at