All Tech Field Day Events

Nerdy Summer Camp with Tech Field Day Extra at Cisco Live US 2024!

Cisco Live has been going strong for the past 35 years! It’s always a fun way to spend your summer speaking with the brightest minds in the networking industry and see how companies like Cisco are advancing technology. This year will be another exciting adventure, thanks in no small part to Tech Field Day Extra at Cisco Live US 2024.

Tech Field Day Extra Schedule

We’ve got two great days of announcements, technology updates, and partner presentations. Tuesday, June 4 kicks off right after lunch with a special introduction from Cisco VP Juan Vela. He’s going to highlight the key innovations that Cisco has been making in the networking space. After that we kick off with Cisco Meraki and Cisco Industrial IoT. They’ll be covering a variety of important enterprise topics. After that we’re going to get an update from Cisco Networking. They’ve been making some big strides in the secure connectivity department and this year will be no exception. We finish the day on Tuesday with a presentation from Cisco ThousandEyes talking all about digital experience assurance.

Wednesday starts bright and early on the west coast with a 11:00am presentation from Opengear. They’ll be updating us on the latest news from the remote console access space as well as the interesting ideas they’ve been working on to expand their presence. After lunch we’re back with more Cisco presentations. The first is from the Mass-Scale Infrastructure Group. Make sure you’re watching to learn more about fabrics and Nexus as well as some other new product news. After that will be a session with Cisco Security with the latest in XDR and AI. The final presentation of the day is from Cisco Innovations. Tim Szigeti is a rock star presenter and his topic is something you’re not going to want to miss!

Cisco Live Community Conversation

We’re going to be streaming live on June 4 and 5 at our website at We’re also going to be streaming live on our Tech Field Day LinkedIn page as well as at TechStrong TV. If you want to learn more about the schedule or the delegates at the event, make sure you bookmark the Tech Field Day Extra event page. If you want to participate on social media and join the conversation you can use the hashtag #TFDx as well as #CiscoLive. Both of those will get our attention as well as get you involved in the wider Cisco Live community. If you miss any of the presentations you can always check them out later on the Tech Field Day Youtube channel.

We can’t wait for Cisco Live and we hope to see you online!

About the author

Tom Hollingsworth

Tom Hollingsworth is a networking professional, blogger, and speaker on advanced technology topics. He is also an organizer for networking and wireless for Tech Field Day.  His blog can be found at

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