CXL is being rolled out in production and more reliability, scalability, and security features are being added all the time. This episode of Utilizing Tech focuses on enterprise-grade CXL with John Spiers, CEO of IntelliProp, talking about the ongoing evolution of CXL. IntelliProp is bringing a CXL fabric solution to market the enables memory expansion outside the server over a fabric. CXL 3.0 introduces memory fabrics, but it will take more development to bring features like high availability, routing, peer-to-peer, failover, and re-routing while preserving cache coherency and enabling management, and IntelliProp is working to bring all this to the spec.
As we discussed in our last episode with Dan Ernst from Microsoft Azure, CXL delivers acceptable memory latency, and John expects that this will continue with fabrics to some extent. IntelliProp will profile memory and enable tiered memory that matches application needs. The company is also working to enable advanced features, including sharing memory between systems, in association with the CXL consortium.
- Stephen Foskett, Publisher of Gestalt IT and Organizer of Tech Field Day. Find Stephen’s writing at and on Twitter at @SFoskett.
- Nathan Bennett, Focusing on Cloud, Automation, AI/ML, and Emerging Technologies. Connect with Nathan on LinkedIn or follow him on Twitter at @vNathanBennett.
- John Spiers, CEO of Intelliprop. Connect with John on LinkedIn and learn more about IntelliProp on their website.
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