Justin Warren of eigenmagic comments:
RavelloSystems provides a cloud-based platform for spinning up a test-lab quickly and easily, and it supports VMware’s vSphere/ESXi hypervisor through nested hypervisors (running ESXi on a Google or AWS compute instance).
Platform9 is a cloud-based automation and control platform for spinning up and managing an OpenStack environment quickly and easily, and it supports VMware’s vSphere/ESXi hypervisor as of 18 August 2015. It also supports KVM and Docker.
Naturally, I wanted to see if I could test out Platform9 on VMware using Ravello to provide the infrastructure. I’d previously spun up a vSphere 6.0 lab to test out vROps (see my series on it here, which was sponsored by VMware) so why not see if I could use that to run Platform9?
Yep. You totally can. Here’s how!
Great how-to from Justin to get all of this up and running together!
Read more at: HowTo: Platform9 + Ravello + VMware