Matt Lieb of Virtuallytiedtomydesktop’s Blog comments:
The vast majority of my customers are highly virtualized, and quite potentially using Amazon or Azure in a shadow IT kind of approach. Some groups within the organization have deployed workloads into these large public provider spaces. It’s simply due to these groups having the need to gain access to resources and deploy them as rapidly as possible.
Certainly Development and Testing groups have been building systems, and destroying them as testing moves forward toward production. But also, marketing, and other groups may find that the IT team is less than agile in providing these services on a timely basis. Thus, a credit card is swiped, and development occurs. The first indication that these things are taking place is when the bills come.
The term “shadow IT” may be old, but it really took off when AWS was just a credit card charge away from getting around roadblocks. Matt’s thoughts on the cloud are spot on here.
Read more at: Shadow IT and the emergence of Cloud in the Enterprise