After what seemed like a long wait, Apple released the new Apple Studio Display late in March. Already a hot discussion in the Apple enthusiasts’ community, it sure deserves the buzz for its load of eyebrow-raising features. At $1,599, the Apple Studio Display is a 27 inch, flat screen display with a resolution of 5120-by-2880 pixels. A great sequel to the bigger-than-life 6K Pro Display XR, the Apple Studio Display instantly wowed the crowd with its color accuracy and speaker quality, both of which are excellent for the price.

$1599 may easily sound like a steep cost at first, but its big bro the Pro Display XDR of which it’s the smaller sibling is priced at $4999. For its price, the display is quite a surprise. But there’s way more to inspect in a display than color and sound quality. For that Filip Verloy has an insightful article.
Verloy reviews the Apple Studio Display in this blog titled- “A real user review of the Apple Studio Display”. In his article, he takes the readers step by step through the setup process. From unboxing through specifications, the article covers everything you need to know about the Apple Studio Display. He writes,
I was waiting for this announcement for a while, I’ve owned The LG UltraFine 5K Display before, and was using an LG 32UL950 just before switching to the Apple Studio Display. I’ve also long coveted the Apple Pro Display XDR but couldn’t bring myself to spend that kind of cash for essentially doing PowerPoint and email most of my day.
Read the rest of his blog- “A real user review of the Apple Studio Display” to learn his thoughts on the Apple Studio monitor.