When purchasing or subscribing to a new solution, organizations can send out a set of documents requesting information. These documents are of three different types, namely RFI or request for information, RFP or request for proposal and RFQ or request for price quotation.

Just from their names, these requests may seem very similar, if not the same, but they have some sharp distinction. A company needs to fully understand those differences to exercise their right to information and get the most out of their investment.
In the article titled “Cloud Essentials+ Journey – Request for What?”, longtime IT professional and Field Day delegate, Tim Bertino talks about these requests outlining their differences. He writes,
Purchasing and implementing new solutions is a big part of the game for IT departments. Any time we deal with purchasing new gear or solutions, we are working with vendors, partners, and resellers. When working with these outside entities, there are different requests that we can draft to send to our partners/resellers/service providers. These are named request for information (RFI), request for proposal (RFP), and request for quote (RFQ). Here are my interpretations of these three request types.
To read the rest of the article, head over to Bertino’s blog Netication.com. Check out his “Cloud Essentials+ Journey” series for more resourceful materials on cloud journey. For more such interesting stories, sign up to our mailing list or follow us on social media.