Over the past several years, we’ve seen artificial intelligence grow from a trope of science fiction to an actionable cornerstone of IT operations. Let’s look at some of that evolution, and how we have gotten to the current role AI plays in today’s enterprises.

AI in Enterprise IT: How Did We Get Here?
In the past, I’ve talked about how AI has made its way into the enterprise, so I won’t go into intensive detail here. I will, however, touch on some of the high points.
One of the original uses of AI that prevails to this day is image recognition. By leveraging databases of structured image data, AI models can intake an image, comparing it to archives of related images to determine what the image entails. Such a capability expedites processes like manufacturing QA, website searches, app development, and more.
Development in AI modeling has also led to its introduction in applications, both business and commercial. For example, the Intel Analytics Zoo product is used in tandem with four separate AI models to optimize the experience of Burger King’s coupon application, building off existing customer data as well as images/descriptions of discounted products to offer personalized coupons to customers.
Of course, these are just a couple of ways AI is emerging in the enterprise. Our podcast, Utilizing AI, has been following these trends as well, and having just capped off a season of the show and entering a new one, they discussed them in great detail.
A Look Back at Utilizing AI Season 2
In the first episode of season 3 of Utilizing AI, hosts Chris Gundermann, Frederic Van Haren, and Stephen Foskett reflected on their progress so far, saying this:
We started season 2 by talking about AI as a co-pilot in the first few episodes and this theme continued throughout the season. AI making our jobs easier was a common discussion we had through the course of the season. Another common discussion had throughout the season was how to make implementing AI easier through tools and platforms. We also discussed the duality of working in AI vs. working on AI. Having AI be more accessible and easier to use was yet another common theme we saw throughout season 2.
Want to learn more about how AI usage in enterprise IT has grown? Listen to the full episode, A Look Back at Season 2. Also, be sure to tune in for the rest of the new season of Utilizing AI, as there’s sure to be new information and trends covered in each episode. You can also see the videos from each episode of Utilizing AI on our site.