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Considering the Promise of Quantum Computing in AI with Dr Bob Sutor of The Futurum Group | Utilizing Tech 06×11

Both AI and quantum computing seemed entirely theoretical just a few years ago, yet generative AI is everywhere today. This episode of Utilizing Tech considers the promise of quantum computing generally and the applicability of this technology in AI with Dr. Bob Sutor of The Futurum Group, Alastair Cooke, and Stephen Foskett. One big challenge for quantum computing is the difficulty of storing data for calculations, a severe limitation for using the technology in AI. But there is the possibility of pairing classical computers with quantum processors to bring the best of both concepts. Both AI and quantum computing deal with linear algebra, so there is an affinity between the technologies, but it is likely that each will find use cases in different areas. Ultimately there is still a lot of development to do but quantum technology shows great promise in AI and beyond.

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The intersection of artificial intelligence and quantum computing is both technically intriguing and yet uncertain. AI rapidly evolved from theoretical discussions to practical tools like generative AI in just a few years, suggesting that the same could be true of quantum computing. Our recent conversation with Dr. Bob Sutor, quantum computing practice lead for The Futurum Group considers the challenges and possibilities of the intersection of quantum computing and AI.

The Intersection of Quantum Computing and AI

Quantum computing is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, utilizing qubits instead of the traditional bits found in classical computing. These qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously, a property known as superposition, which, along with entanglement, allows quantum computers to process complex computations at incredible speed. In theory. But quantum computing is still in its infancy, and the industry faces significant challenges including qubit stability, error rates, and the difficulty of loading data from classical storage systems into quantum systems for processing.

Both AI and quantum computing fundamentally deal with linear algebra, and this suggests a natural compatibility between them. There is great potential for quantum computing to significantly enhance AI, since it could accelerate the sort of complex mathematical computations required. But the current state of quantum technology, characterized by limited qubits and the challenge of data integration, means that quantum computing’s promise for AI remains largely theoretical.

One proposed solution to overcome the quantum input problem is a hybrid model that combines classical computing’s data processing capabilities with quantum computing’s computational power. This approach could leverage quantum processors as accelerators for specific tasks within the AI workflow, akin to how GPUs are currently used for machine learning tasks. Such a model could potentially unlock quantum computing’s benefits for AI without waiting for the technology to mature fully.

Quantum Computing’s Promise for AI

Despite the hurdles, the promise of quantum computing in AI is tantalizing. Quantum systems could enable the detection of patterns and insights beyond the reach of classical computing, thanks to properties like entanglement. This capability could revolutionize fields from drug discovery to financial modeling, where complex patterns and relationships are key. Furthermore, quantum computing could dramatically accelerate AI’s ability to learn and evolve, making tasks that currently take years to compute feasible in significantly less time.

The journey towards realizing quantum computing’s full potential in AI is fraught with challenges. The need for substantial advancements in qubit technology, error correction, and quantum data integration is clear. Additionally, the development of a quantum computing ecosystem, including both hardware and software components, is crucial for this technology to thrive. Partnerships between startups, academic institutions, and tech giants, alongside significant investment in research and development, will be key drivers of progress in this field.

Quantum computing holds the promise of transforming AI by offering computational capabilities far beyond what is currently possible with classical computing. While the path forward is complex and uncertain, the potential rewards justify the significant efforts required to overcome these challenges. As the technology matures and more practical applications are discovered, the integration of quantum computing and AI could well mark the beginning of a new era in technology, with profound implications for every sector of society and the economy.

Podcast Information:

Stephen Foskett is the Organizer of the Tech Field Day Event Series, now part of The Futurum Group. Connect with Stephen on LinkedIn or on X/Twitter.

Alastair Cooke is a CTO Advisor for The Futurum Group. You can connect with Alastair on LinkedIn or on X/Twitter and read his research notes and insights on The Futurum Group’s website.

Bob Sutor is the Vice President and Practice Lead of Emerging Technologies for the Futurum Group. You can connect with Bob on LinkedIn and read his research notes and insights on The Futurum Group’s website.

Thank you for listening to Utilizing AI, part of the Utilizing Tech podcast series. If you enjoyed this discussion, please subscribe in your favorite podcast application and consider leaving us a rating and a nice review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. This podcast was brought to you by Tech Field Day, now part of The Futurum Group. For show notes and more episodes, head to our dedicated Utilizing Tech Website or find us on X/Twitter and Mastodon at Utilizing Tech.

About the author

Stephen Foskett

Stephen Foskett is an active participant in the world of enterprise information technology, currently focusing on enterprise storage, server virtualization, networking, and cloud computing. He organizes the popular Tech Field Day event series for Gestalt IT and runs Foskett Services. A long-time voice in the storage industry, Stephen has authored numerous articles for industry publications, and is a popular presenter at industry events. He can be found online at,, and on Twitter at @SFoskett.

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