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Securing Your Work From Home

COVID-19 has accelerated the work from home revolution, and many companies’ datacenter, cloud, and endpoint security systems are just not up to snuff. During Security Field Day 4, Tom Hollingsworth led a discussion panel on the challenges of working from home securely, and delegates agreed: We need to reset our security goals to encompass this, our new normal.

Image created by Tori Bidwell. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives - help stop the spread of COVID-19.

COVID-19 has accelerated BYOD adoption, and work from home is the new normal.

At the heart of this reset is how we look at BYOD and defining just how much needs to be secured and whether it needs to be 100% secured all of the time. Obviously, for some parts of the organization, yes, but perhaps other parts only need 80% security. Policy will define this new normal and how that plays out is up to the individual organization.

Tom Hollingsworth comments:

Wanna make your security team’s blood run cold? Remind them that all that time and effort they put in to securing the enterprise from attackers and data exfiltration is currently sitting unused while we all work from home. You might have even heard them screaming at the sky just now.

Enterprise security isn’t easy, nor should it be. We constantly have to be on the offensive to find new attack vectors and hunt down threats and exploits. We have spent years and careers building defense-in-dept…

Read more at The Networking Nerd: Securing Your Work From Home.

About the author

Georgina Ford

Gestalt IT’s resident Word Nerd, Georgina is a writer and editor with over a decade working in the tech space. She can be found musing about Colorado mountain life and all things Gestalt IT Tech on Twitter at @gcford