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Rodos on Stack Wars

Rodney Haywood (Rodos) picks up the Stack Wars theme. Why is this happening? Is it good for end users? Where are IBM and Dell? What about the smaller players? What does this do to innovation? What about cloud?



Networking may be straightforward, but the world of networking terminology is not. I've been steeped in the strange lingo of Ethernet for many years, but I still get confused by some of the terms. What's the difference between...


Stack Wars: The Links

We at Gestalt IT are not the only ones looking at the Stack Wars. We didn't even come up with the name! In the spirit of community, we will be collecting links to other sites covering the topic on this page. Check back often as...


Nominate 2010 vExperts Now

VMware announced this week that nominations for 2010 vExpert are being accepted until April 30, 2010. Be sure to vote for your favorite “bloggers, book authors, VMUG leaders, event organizers, speakers, tool builders, forum...