Security is not a straightforward thing in enterprise IT, far from it. No matter how well a security solution is designed, it is not fully airtight. Minor underlying vulnerabilities could open doors to wrong people seeking entry. Be that as it may, insofar the industry has done a good job of tackling security issues with newer, smarter and more sophisticated technologies. But there is something inherently wrong or lacking in the approach.

Companies have always approached the problem of security with implementing technologies on top of one another that end up asking employees to give up a little more of their privacy. That is a problem that everyone knows about, but no one is ready to address. What not enough people seem to realize is that this could lead to handing unchecked power over to the technology to the point that we, the users, no longer have the control we sought to achieve in the first place.
Justin Warren, a long time Field Day delegate, writes a piece about this, talking about how modern security measures violate people’s right to privacy and what can that possibly lead to. He proposes a way around that. In his article – “The IT Tyrant Test” he writes,
IT has a security problem, but why is our default solution more authoritarian control?
Why do we demand our employees give up their privacy in order to secure our IT systems when we resist this impulse by governments? Are other solutions not possible, or are they simply more challenging, and we are too lazy?
Check out the rest of his article- “The IT Tyrant Test”, to read about his interesting take on today’s IT security.