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Monkeying with Infrastructure: How Netflix Dealt with EC2 Reboots

Eric Wright of Virtualization Software comments:

As we’ve seen recently in the news, the shellshock vulnerability, also know as Bash bug,  has become a new issue for servers around the world.  Outside of that, there was also a Xen Security Announcement (XSA) that affected approximately 10% of Amazon EC2 instances worldwide.

Amazon was quick to note that these are two unrelated issues, and that the Bash bug was not responsible for the reboots. This was comforting to customers, but at the same time there was still the issue of Xen reboots required across numerous regions. As you may already know, many cloud based services including Netflix are backed by the popular EC2 environment.

Great little piece on Netflix and their Chaos Monkey. Sometimes a little disorder is necessary to ensure everything else is working properly.

Read more at: Monkeying with Infrastructure: How Netflix Dealt with EC2 Reboots

About the author

Tom Hollingsworth

Tom Hollingsworth is a networking professional, blogger, and speaker on advanced technology topics. He is also an organizer for networking and wireless for Tech Field Day.  His blog can be found at

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