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Takeaways from the 2021 Texas Power Outage

As IT practitioners, it’s drilled into you from early into your career to back up and back up often. After all, if something catastrophic like a power outage happens, you could lose hours, days, even weeks of work since your last back up.

But why do we still see power outages in the first place? It’s 2021, shouldn’t we be advanced enough to have weather-resilient power infrastructure and auxiliary reserves?

Why We Still See Power Outages in 2021

Unfortunately, despite all of humankind’s advancements, we’re still at the whims of Mother Nature, especially in cases like the momentous Texas power outage that started in February. Although the Texas scenario is a unique one, it still brings to light many underlying issues that are prevalent across much of America.

In her take on the subject, Melissa Palmer digs into some of the root issues behind the Texas outage. Melissa comments:

This massive outage in Texas was a great way to showcase all of the different things that can go wrong during a storm. The demand for power increased, and the output decreased, which of course, we all know won’t end well. Modern power systems have a number of fail safes built into them. For example, if power generating devices and distribution devices cannot keep up with their requests, they will simply shut down.

To learn more about the whys behind the Texas outage, and why we still experience power outages at large, read the rest of Melissa Palmer’s piece, Why We Still See Power Outages in 2021 at

About the author

Zach DeMeyer

Zach is the Technical/Content Writer at Gestalt IT with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. A storyteller at heart, he loves being on the cutting edge of new technology and telling the world about it. When he's not working, he enjoys all things outdoors, music, and soccer.