Gestalt News

Silver Peak’s SD-WAN, IPv6 FUD, and Intel’s Atom Problems in the Gestalt IT Networking News 17.3

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Featured Stories

Silver Peak’s End-to-End SD-WAN

SD-WAN is booming right now. The really fun thing is that the space is still new enough, that there are a lot of companies doing really interesting things to differentiate yourself. It still feels like a very emergent space, with no one “ideology” having absolute hegemony. It’s exciting to see each permutation from the various competing companies. Silver Peak has another variation for their SD-WAN solution.

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Networking Field Day Coverage

Upcoming Events in Networking

February 20-22, 2017

Tech Field Day crosses the Atlantic for an exciting Extra event in Berlin, in collaboration with Cisco Live. The staff and delegates will engage with companies for in-depth technical discussion, with full videos available after the event.

Date: February 20-22, 2017
Presenters: CiscoPaesslerwith more to be announced soon!
Delegates: Dominik PickhardtEthan BanksGabriele GerbinoIvan PepelnjakJasper BongertzMax MortillaroPeter Paul Engelen.

More Articles of Interest

Intel’s Ticking Atom Bomb

Tom Hollingsworth writes about Cisco’s signal clock issue turning into a much bigger deal for Intel’s Atom SoC: It started somewhat innocently. Cisco released a field notice that there was an issue with some signal clocks on a range of their networking devices. This by itself was a huge issue. There had been rumblings about this issue for a few months. Some proactive replacement of affected devices to test things. Followed by panicked customer visits when the news broke on February 2nd. Cisco looked like they were about to get a black eye. The big question that arose was whether or not this issue was specific to Cisco devices or if it was an issue that was much bigger.

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IPv6 Q&A for the Home Networking Nerd

If consumers understand IPv6 at all, it’s probably at a very high level. There’s a lot of fear, uncertainty, doubt surround the transition away from IPv4. Maybe this isn’t much of a concern for networking folks who know the ins and outs of it. But for general consumers, no matter how informed, it can all seem confusing. Ethan Banks wrote up a comprehensive overview to answer any questions.

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Community Reads

The History of the PCMCIA Slot – by Ernie Smith

Whitebox Networking – Coming to an Edge Near You? – by Kevin Myers

Data Scientist – The Next Highly Demanded IT Job? Or Not? – by Gina Rosenthal

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About the author

Rich Stroffolino

Rich has been a tech enthusiast since he first used the speech simulator on a Magnavox Odyssey². Current areas of interest include ZFS, the false hopes of memristors, and the oral history of Transmeta.

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