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Presenters React to the Cloud Field Day Experience

Cloud Field Day happened last week and the presenters couldn’t have been happier! What makes Tech Field Day events special to them? What did they learn in the post-presentation breakout sessions? And how did the Field Day staff help them prepare for the event? Check out their reactions in this video!

What Did They Think of the Breakout Session?

Getting the chance to sit down with the delegates right after the presentation helps the presenters get better at what they do. Sam Niemi of Dell Technologies said that it was great to hear the perspectives of the professionals in the room and get feedback from them. The different backgrounds of the delegates gave them a great idea of how they saw the message and what they were planning on using in the future.

Kirk Ryan of NetApp enjoyed the openness and honesty that the forum provided. The kind of feedback that the delegates gave will help drive NetApp to make better products for users in the future as well as understand how the community is looking at the announcements of new technology.

For Intel’s Josh Hilliker the transparency was the big takeaway. The delegates told him they loved what he presented but wanted to see more demos. Josh took that feedback to heart and is already working on bringing even more demos to his presentation next time!

How Did the Cloud Field Day Staff Help You?

Tech Field Day has some of the most knowledgeable staff in the industry when it comes to event preparation and production. Even polished presenters were thrilled at the help that was provided by the crew at Cloud Field Day. Kit Colbert of VMware is a veteran of many presentations and he found the staff to be super supportive and helpful in making virtual events happen. He said that it was a very low-stress environment, which is something for a person that’s been on stage at VMworld!

David Hill of Veeam was also complimentary of the Field Day team. He was especially happy with the way that the delegates all came together and were super knowledgeable about the topics. The staff knew who to invite and how to manage the right resources to make the presentation run smoothly.

Kirk Ryan of NetApp loved the tips that the staff gave out during the pre-event prep sessions. Knowing how to deliver a presentation in a virtual format and what technology makes that easier was a huge help. Kirk was able to focus on the content and felt that it led to a more personal touch overall when connecting with the delegates.

How Will You Use the Videos from Cloud Field Day?

A big benefit from Tech Field Day events is the rich content that gets posted from the presentations. With all that great technical material just waiting on YouTube, how should a company use it to reach their audience more effectively? Paul Speciale of Scality is already looking to promote those videos through social media channels to their audience, as well as embedding them in their monthly newsletter to customers.

Leo Leung of Oracle thinks the videos help give a more complete picture of a big company like Oracle that may do some things that the community isn’t aware of. He’s already looking to post the videos in their technical communities to help everyone learn more about what Oracle is building outside of the products that every knows them for.

Komprise COO, Krishna Subramanian, thinks that the biggest value for the videos is the interactive Q&A that they get from the delegates during the demos. Rather than just recording something themselves and posting it, Komprise would rather get the discussion and interaction that Tech Field Day events are famous for to help be more valuable to users and technical buyers. They’re going to be posting their videos to social media to help spread the word about the great questions the delegates ask during the sessions.

About the author

Tom Hollingsworth

Tom Hollingsworth is a networking professional, blogger, and speaker on advanced technology topics. He is also an organizer for networking and wireless for Tech Field Day.  His blog can be found at

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