Have you gone ‘storageless’ yet? If not, might soon. Storageless storage, while an oxymoron, makes complete sense; it’s a way of abstracting storage infrastructure – turning storage into software-defined instead of hardware-based.
This is one of the hot-button topics under discussion at the virtual Storage Field Day 21 on January 20-22, 2020. This Storage Field Day will feature storage companies (both storageless and not) presenting their solutions, faced by our panel of delegates, providing fuel for much-needed deep dives into today’s hot topics: What is storageless? How does storage integrate with Kubernetes? How will storage be priced and sold as a service? What is needed for next-generation applications?
“If we look at who is presenting at Storage Field Day 21, one of the interesting areas that we focus on is what it is that some of those vendors are building their proposition around? Take Hammerspace, they have built their proposition around this [storageless] disaggregated storage environment and finding ways of presenting in a storage namespace we can use any way we like,” noted Paul Stringfellow, Tech Field Day Delegate and storage expert.
Presenting Sponsors at Storage Field Day 21 are Hammerspace, Intel, Minio, Nasuni, NetApp, Pliops, and Tintri. Our delegates are extremely excited to begin asking them the tough questions, from the security, flexibility, and availability to to the finer points of how the systems work.

“I’m looking forward to Storage Field Day 21, so we can get some clarification from the vendors on what they mean… How would you define serverless? I’m looking forward to the event itself to see how that’s going to be defined by the different vendors,” said Jason Collier, Field Day Delegate and Gigaom analyst focused on virtualization, data storage, networking, cloud computing, datacenters, and edge computing.
Some of the delegates remain a little skeptical of just how ‘big’ storageless will be.
“Claiming that storageless is a big thing is a pretty bold statement,” stated Max (Massimiliano) Mortillaro, Tech Field Day Delegate, Independent Datacenter Consultant, and Co-Owner and Analyst for TECHunplugged.
Whatever your view, enterprise storage is evolving, and like most tech innovations, you have to get on board or get left in the dust (does anyone remember the beginning of cloud and all of the nay-sayers?)
We look forward to welcoming you to Storage Field Day 21 on January 20-22, 2020. Check out the schedule below.
Storage Field Day 21 Schedule
Wednesday, Jan 20 | 9:30-11:00 | MinIO Presents at Storage Field Day 21 | |
Presenters: AB Periasamy, Daniel Valdiva, Eco Willson | |||
Wednesday, Jan 20 | 12:00-15:30 | Tintri Presents at Storage Field Day 21 | |
Presenters: Erwin Daria, Rob Girard, Shawn Meyers, Tomer Hagay Nevel | |||
Thursday, Jan 21 | 8:00-10:00 | NetApp Presents at Storage Field Day 21 | |
Presenters: Arun Raman, Dave Krenik, Jeffrey Stein, Mike McNamara, Sunitha Rao | |||
Thursday, Jan 21 | 11:00-13:00 | Nasuni Presents at Storage Field Day 21 | |
Presenters: Andres Rodriguez | |||
Friday, Jan 22 | 8:00-9:30 | Hammerspace Presents at Storage Field Day 21 | |
Presenters: David Flynn, Douglas Fallstrom | |||
Friday, Jan 22 | 10:30-11:30 | Pliops Presents at Storage Field Day 21 | |
Friday, Jan 22 | 12:30-14:30 | Intel Presents at Storage Field Day 21 | |
All dates and times listed are local time in Silicon Valley, US/Pacific.
For more information on Delegates, and the event, head on over to the Tech Field Day website.