Most of our readers are familiar with the Tech Field Day event series we run, but not everyone understands that there are a lot of people working on these events. In addition to Tom Hollingsworth, Stephen Foskett, and Ben Gage, who you see at events, there’s Claire Chaplais and Mel Zura in the office and Rich Stroffolino here at Gestalt IT. Today we’re announcing that Ken Nalbone is joining the crew and will be leading the Cloud Field Day events going forward!

Ken Nalbone is joining the Gestalt IT and Tech Field Day staff
You might recognize Ken from the recent IT Origins profile we put together. He’s a nerd like us, doing the work of IT for years. Check out his blog, FullStackKengineer, and you’ll learn that he’s also a double VMware VCP and leader of both the VMware and Veeam User Groups in Indianapolis. It’s this combination of technical focus and community leadership skills that brought him to our attention and make us think he can do the job.
Ken will be learning on the job, attending Security Field Day in December and Tech Field Day Austin in January before turning his focus to his own event, Cloud Field Day in April. Like Tom and Stephen, Ken will also be attending industry events and working on “exclusive” events with major industry companies. Be sure to say hello and let him know if you’re interested in being part of the Field Day family as a delegate or presenter!
Ken will also be helping out here at Gestalt IT, including writing feature articles and participating in the Rundown and On-Premise IT Roundtable podcast.