
Why Nimble should open up InfoSight to the community (like vOpenData)

Joep Piscaer  from  Virtuallifestyle comments:

I like Nimble‘s philosophy on support. They basically took the management and monitoring paradigm from corporate server infrastructures and applied it to storage: made them all connected with a phone home  type of  functionality and developed a mature set of tools for data analytics. They took people out of the equation where possible and putting them where humans are needed: customer contact.

What’s your view on Infosight and vOpendata? Should NimbleStorage open certain thinks, as Joep suggested, up, or is the way they are doing it now good enough?

More information here: Why Nimble should open up Infosight to the community

About the author

Arjan Timmerman

Architect and Advisor for ATvisement, Arjan uses his 20+ years in IT to help consultants, engineers, and architects grow in this fast-changing world. Through his blog at TECHunplugged.io, this VMware vExpert shares his insights and IT experience.

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