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Show 15 — Saving the Web With Dinky Putt Putt Firewalls

What You’ll Hear

This week, security author, trainer, conference speaker, and consultant Raven Alder adds her bright star to the Packet Pushers constellation.  Her wit and wisdom are joined by data center geek and repeat guest Josh O’Brien, along with regulars Greg and Ethan.  Dan was sidelined unexpectedly, but plans to be back next time.

  • They say power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Pushers ponder this maxim as Chairman, CEO, and El Presidente Mark Hurd gets the oust at HP for certain indiscretions. Was he an extraordinary leader, or just a corporate figurehead?  Will HP’s stockholders miss him?  We think the board would have kept him if he mattered, indiscretions notwithstanding.
  • Australian transportation giant RailCorp announces plans to migrate from ATM to IP.  A stunned silence ensues, and then we burst into discussion about why old equipment lives longer than it should.
  • Cisco’s ACE Web Application Firewall gets two in the hat.  While no one mourns the passing of this unloved product, we wonder why Cisco opted to leave the WAF market.  Security strategy, where are thou?  Thanks for the tip, Ivan.
  • Raven disappears down the rabbit hole, and the Pushers follow her to Web Application Firewall wonderland.  This deep-dive discussion explains what a WAF is, who needs to deploy a WAF, where a WAF fits in a defense-in-depth strategy, common WAF deployment mistakes, and why you need Raven on speed-dial.


Follow the Packet Pushers on Twitter (@packetpushers |  Greg @etherealmind |  Dan@rovingengineer |  Ethan @ecbanks) and send your queries and comments about the show to  [email protected].  We want to hear from you!

About the author

Greg Ferro

Greg Ferro is the co-host of Packet Pushers. After surviving 25 years in Enterprise IT with only minor damage, he uses his networking expertise for good in the service of others by deep diving on technology and industry. His unique role as an inspirational cynicist brings a sense of fun, practicality and sheer talent to world of data networking and its place in a world of clouds.

He blogs regularly at http://etherealmind.com and the podcasts are at http://packetpushers.net.

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