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Storage Glory at 30,000 IOPS

Jeff from Agnostic Computing writes:

My employer is a modest-sized company with a hard-on for value, so while we’ve tossed several hundred thousand dollars at NetApp in the last four years (only to be left with a terrifying upgrade to clustered DataOnTAP that I’ll have to fit into an 18 hour window), I’m being given a budget of well-equipped mid-level Mercedes sedan to offset some of the risk our stank-ass old DS14MK2 shelves represent.

We’re not replacing our NetApp, we’re simply augmenting it. But with what?

After many months, there are now only two contenders left. And I racked/stacked/cabled them up last week in preparation for a grand bakeoff, a battle royale between Nimble & NetApp.

Always good to see the results from a real-world bake-off of storage arrays. Read on to see how Storage Field Day presenter Nimble Storage fared in this one.

Read more: Storage Glory at 30,000 IOPS

About the author

Tom Hollingsworth

Tom Hollingsworth is a networking professional, blogger, and speaker on advanced technology topics. He is also an organizer for networking and wireless for Tech Field Day.  His blog can be found at

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