Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a…Cloud!
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Featured Stories
StarWind Gives You a Gateway to the Cloud
StarWind partnered with AcloudA to put out something pretty interesting, what they’re calling a “gateway to the cloud”. The SoC they’re putting out allows for cloud storage from Google or AWS to be directly addressable via a SAS or SATA interface. This allows you to use cloud storage as a direct replacement for spinning disks, allowing you to easily move cold data off-site with full data services. It’s an interesting approach to change how cloud storage is visualized in the physical data center.
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Which Public Cloud Provider Hosts Your Life Simulation?
For our annual April Fools’ post, we wanted to get to the bottom of an important question. If all of life is a simulation, which public cloud provider is hosting it? Make sure to take our quiz to find out!
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Article that made us think…
Pragmatic Thoughts on #CloudBleed
Troy Hunt writes: It has a cool name and a logo – this must be serious! Since Heartbleed, bug branding has become a bit of a thing and more than anything, it points to the way vulnerabilities like these are represented by the press. It helps with headlines and I’m sure it does wonderful things for bug (brand?) recognition, but it also has a way of drumming up excitement and sensationalism in a way that isn’t always commensurate with the actual risk.
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Tech Field Day Extra at DockerCon17 April 17-20, 2017
Tech Field Day Extra will be at DockerCon17 this year, in partnership with Docker! Make sure to check back for full video. We’ll have presentations from Docker and Portworx, as well as our fantastic group of delegates asking the questions you want to know. Tech Field Day Extra presentations will be held Monday April 17th, with plenty of great DockerCon coverage for the rest of the conference.
Cloud Field Day hits Silicon Valley July 27-28, 2017
Make sure your calendar is clear this summer for Cloud Field Day, hitting Silicon Valley in late July. In 2016, the event featured presentations from Cisco, Docker, Druva, and Scality. Make sure to check back for more information on presenting companies and delegates as the event approaches.
More interesting reads from the community
Microsoft’s New Golden Goose is Azure – by Alastair Cooke
Building a Dev Rig for Windows Docker Containers – by Elton Stoneman
DevOps and SysAdmins: Tools and Approaches – by Matt Leib
This week’s cloud news brought to you by the team at