Linus Torvalds is returning from his self-imposed exile from the Linux development community. After...
Author - Rich Stroffolino
EU Approves Microsoft’s GitHub Acquisition
Over the weekend, the European Commission approved with Microsoft acquisition of GitHub. Notably...
Helm: Your Own Personal Mail Server?
Given the plethora of cloud mail options out there, does a home mail server make sense? Helm thinks...
Samsung Is Mass Producing 7nm Chips
Samsung has reported they are beginning mass production of 7nm chips using extreme ultraviolet...
X-IOh My | Gestalt IT Rundown: October 17, 2018
Rich Stroffolino runs down one of the major bits of IT news this week, the acquisition of X-IO by...
NetApp Provides Insights for Women in Tech
NetApp will host their sixth annual Women in Technology panel at NetApp Insight next week. Keynote...
NetApp Speaks Volumes
NetApp Insight 2018 is just around the corner. Rich Stroffolino looks at how the company has...
The Google+ Accountant | Gestalt IT Rundown: October 10, 2018
It's the Gestalt IT Rundown, breaking down the IT news of the week. This week we'll be discussing...
Commvault and Services
At Commvault GO 2018, Stephen Foskett found out about how Commvault is expanding and refining their...
Commvault GO 2018 Keynote Live Blog – Day 2
Welcome to the second part of the Commvault GO 2018 Keynote Live Blog! Stephen Foskett and Luigi...