For the past seven years Tech Field Day events have served to bring together industry-leading companies with thought leaders in the enterprise IT space. At the events, companies present new product and the invited delegates engage in discussing the pressing issues in the industry directly with them. These events are live-streamed for general consumption, with videos made available soon after the events. All of this is supplemented by additional conversations within their vibrant Twitter community.

Delegates from Tech Field Day in Boston
Tech Field Day events initially spanned the breadth of enterprise IT, but has proven popular enough to spawn separate events for Networking, Storage, Cloud, and Mobility (an evolution of Wireless Field Day). The original Tech Field Day event was renamed Virtualization Field Day in 2012 but returned to the “Tech” name last year.
In 2016, Tech Field Day events alone included twenty-two companies, in addition to hosting Tech Field Day Extra events at VMworld US and Europe, Interop, and the OpenStack Summit in Austin. We even got to DockerCon in Seattle.

Tech Field Day delegates in Austin
The Tech Field Day team has a full roster of events for 2017. We will host two main events, starting in Austin on February 1-3. The second event is on September 27-29 in Silicon Valley. In between, there will also be Tech Field Day Extra events at Intertop and VMWorld US. And Tech Field Day might appear at other events besides!
Over the last year, Tech Field Day has added companies like Docker and Intel to the roster, enlightening our delegate panel. Videos of events are available at the Tech Field Day site, along with great write ups from their delegates for context and reaction.
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