All Utilizing AI

DataOps – Putting the Data in Data Science | Utilizing AI 3×26

The quality of an AI application depends on the quality of the data that feeds it. Sunil Samel joins Frederic Van Haren and Stephen Foskett to discuss DataOps and the importance of data quality. When we consider data-centric AI, we must consider all aspects of the data pipeline, from storing, transporting, and understanding to controlling access and cost. We must look at the data needed to train our models, think about the desired outcomes, and consider the sources and pipeline needed to get that result. We must also decide how to define quality: Do we need a variety of data sources? Should we reject some data? How does the modality of the data type change this definition? Is there bias in what is included and excluded? Data pipelines are usually simple, ingesting and storing data from the source, slicing and preparing it, and presenting it for processing. But DataOps recognizes that the data pipeline can get very complicated and requires understanding of all these steps as well as adaptation from development to production.

Three Questions

  1. Frederic: Do you think we should expect another AI winter?
  2. Stephen: When will we see a full self-driving car that can drive anywhere, any time?
  3. Mike O’Malley, Seneca Global: Can you give an example where an AI algorithm went terribly wrong and gave a result that clearly wasn’t correct?


Sunil Samel, Products and Strategic Partnerships at Akridata. You can connect with him on LinkedIn.


  • Frederic Van Haren, Founder at HighFens Inc., Consultancy & Services. Connect with Frederic on or on Twitter at @FredericVHaren.
  • Stephen Foskett, Publisher of Gestalt IT and Organizer of Tech Field Day . Find Stephen’s writing at and on Twitter at @SFoskett

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About the author

Stephen Foskett

Stephen Foskett is an active participant in the world of enterprise information technology, currently focusing on enterprise storage, server virtualization, networking, and cloud computing. He organizes the popular Tech Field Day event series for Gestalt IT and runs Foskett Services. A long-time voice in the storage industry, Stephen has authored numerous articles for industry publications, and is a popular presenter at industry events. He can be found online at,, and on Twitter at @SFoskett.

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