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Monitoring Apps in the Cloud with Avassa

With the edge taking center stage in the mind of many IT practitioners, a common question is: how can I effectively manage my edge-deployed applications at scale from the cloud? The answer? Avassa’s product portfolio, as displayed at the recent Tech Field Day event.

Opportunities to Expand at the Edge

In today’s distributed IT world, it’s more important than ever to be able to operate effectively at the edge. Unlike with public cloud data center operations, in which computers are centrally located and end user location has little to no effect on their operation, the edge is location dependent, with many computers operating at the farthest reaches of the network.

With an edge scenario, both applications and data need to be available and distributed across the various locations at play. Things get dicier when you consider the fact that edge networks often consist of users’ home setups, meaning they are spottier than core connections as well. How can IT organizations best expand their edge capabilities?

Avassa: Taking on Edge Applications

Avassa seeks to simplify the process of managing apps at the edge with their edge management as a service solution, the Avassa Control Tower. In tandem with the Avassa Edge Enforcer agent, which is downloaded onto all edge location endpoints, Control Tower allows IT admins to take a top-down view of their edge deployments and connect them to cloud apps and data.

With both products from Avassa in place, IT organizations can manage both distributed applications as well as compute resources from the cloud, creating a single pane of administrative glass for edge deployments. That way, everyone benefits, as end users have a seamless edge experience while IT staff have a low-toil management approach.

Using Avassa at Scale at the Edge

During the recent Tech Field Day event, Avassa’s CTO and Founder, Carl Moberg, presented on their Control Tower and Edge Enforcer products. You can learn more by watching the video below, but here’s a few more details.

In his presentation, Moberg describes how effectively the Avassa portfolio can scale to meet the demands of massive edge deployments. Because it relies on the Edge Enforcer agent, Avassa Control Tower can be massively distributed, allowing IT organizations to create autonomous control over edge devices and their data and apps. As a result, the actual deployment on the edge is lean: it only needs the lightweight agent; the rest is handled by Control Tower.

Zach’s Reaction

Avassa’s approach to edge management gives nearly any IT organization full purview over their edge deployments at scale from the cloud. Such a capability is sure to enable faster, more effective edge deployments in the future.

Learn more about Avassa from their website or other Tech Field Day presentations.

About the author

Zach DeMeyer

Zach is the Technical/Content Writer at Gestalt IT with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. A storyteller at heart, he loves being on the cutting edge of new technology and telling the world about it. When he's not working, he enjoys all things outdoors, music, and soccer.

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