We would like to welcome one of our newest delegates to Cloud Field Day 14: Chris Hayner! Chris is an independent IT consultant with a focus on infrastructure and security. You can see more of Chris on his Twitter or on the Tech Field Day Website. Chris took some time to tell us a little more about himself – here is what he had to say!
How did you get into Technology and IT?
Really I have always ‘done’ IT. All of my non-restaurant jobs had me doing something with computers, officially or unofficially. Then in my sophomore year of college, I was a student worker for the University’s IT department, and the rest is history.
What do you do now? Tell us a little about your current role.
I am currently an independent IT consultant working primarily with SMBs around infrastructure – security, migrations, authentication, and cost management.
What are your biggest challenges?
IT is a vast field, and it seems to be growing at a terrific rate in basically all directions. It can be a real challenge to keep up.
Where do you see IT going in the next 3-5 years?
I think underlying infrastructures are going to continue to be abstracted to the point that the majority of businesses will not have to think about systems or datacenters at the fundamental bit level. I don’t know exactly what it’s going to look like, but I bet it will have a surprising effect- not unlike how no-code has revolutionized writing software.
What was your first computer? What was great about it? What is your go-to computer now?
An IBM PC clone by a company called Judge. I remember hearing how great it was because “it came with Lotus 1-2-3!” You can imagine my excitement- Truly, what 6 year old doesn’t love spreadsheets.
My current desktop is an Apple M1, which also has spreadsheets.
How do you manage your work/life balance?
With difficulty. Total separation is key- as is completely logging out, closing tabs, etc., at the end of the day. My next goal is to have totally separate users on my computers, so who I am logged in as (and therefore what files and programs I have access to) will depend on if I’m working or not.
If you weren’t working in IT, what would you be doing instead?
Probably business strategy, or some kind of a writer.
Or maybe writing about business strategy.
What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies?
I am an enthusiastic if unaccomplished runner, and I also enjoy the standard trifecta of books, TV, and movies.
What is the coolest thing you’re working on right now?
Working on creative and cost-effective ways to solve authentication problems for startup.
What are you most excited about seeing at the event?
These events are great for a lot of reasons, but the one that stands out is the opportunity to see new products and solutions.
Who inspires you?
Small-scale innovators who do things that were previously considered impossible.
As a child, what did you want to do when you “grew up”?
A submarine captain.
What super hero movie character would you like to be and why?
Probably doesn’t count as a ‘classic’ superhero, but I’m gonna go with Doctor Who. He gets to go everywhere, see everything, help people out, and has plenty of storage for knick knacks.
What is your favorite thing about what you do?
Solving problems. It’s always satisfying when a design or solution gives someone that “Hey, I’ve never thought of that!” kind of reaction.
If you won the lottery and could retire, what would you do with your time?
Finally start work on my Great American Novel about business strategy.
Thanks for sharing, Chris!
Be sure to see Chris as a delegate at Cloud Field Day 14 June 22–24!