We‘d like to welcome our newest delegate to the Tech Field Day community: Chris Reed! Chris is a Principal Consultant at Verizon. He will be attending Mobility Field Day 7as a delegate and took a few minutes to tell us a little about himself.
Check Chris out on Twitter @TheCMReed, on the Tech Field Day Website, or his website.
How did you get into Technology and IT?
I actually went to school as a diesel mechanic. Ended up falling into networking and wireless when I got out of school and couldn’t find a job. Found a contract gig for some switch upgrades that I helped out with and fell in love.
What do you do now? Tell us a little about your current role.
I work for Verizon as a Principal Consultant. Generally supporting both sales and delivery teams as a Wi-Fi SME.
What are your biggest challenges?
Like everyone during COVID times, supply-chain.
Where do you see IT going in the next 3-5 years?
The technology or the work? For the work I’m really thinking AI/ML tools will start to bubble the simple tasks and issues to the top as well as an expansion of senior roles that needs to know the ins and outs of the technologies.
What was your first computer? What was great about it? What is your go-to computer now?
I think it was an NEC running windows 95, and it came with so many demo game disks. Descent was one of my favorites to play. Currently run an M1 Macbook Pro, mostly due to the availability of wireless tools for the platform.
How do you manage your work/life balance?
As best as I can. I take long vacations and usually try to go into the woods or out of the country to reduce temptation to check email.
If you weren’t working in IT, what would you be doing instead?
I think I’d work in a restaurant. I worked in a kitchen during college and loved the camaraderie and chaos during busy dinner rushes.
What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies?
I’m a weirdo and love my wife, so generally doing things together. Hiking, swimming, walking the dog, playing video games, and making cocktails. I also quite enjoy going on adventures and doing those same things in places that require us to take a plane ride.
What are you most excited about seeing at the event?
The delegates. It’s a group of great people, many of who I know and love already.
What is the coolest thing you’re working on right now?
I do a lot of large venue Wi-Fi projects across assorted sports, and it’s always a blast to be around on event day. There’s something incredibly special about the feeling, particularly at a downtown venue the day of the event, just an electricity in the air that i’ll never get over.
Who inspires you?
I’m in awe of the fantastic people that commit themselves to helping in their community, running food banks and kitchens, even cleaning up roadsides. A lot of people do so much work to make life better for us all.
As a child, what did you want to do when you “grew up”?
I don’t know that I really figured that out. Still haven’t grown up, so we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

What super hero movie character would you like to be and why?
Ant-Man. Works with animals and if he finds a food he really likes he can shrink down to eat more of it.
What is your favorite thing about what you do?
I love working for great customers. The satisfaction of deploying something that works great with a customer that sees the relationship as a partnership is something I never tired of.
If you won the lottery and could retire, what would you do with your time?
A lot more camping and hiking.
Thanks for sharing, Chris! Be sure to see Chris as a delegate at Mobility Field Day 7 July 13-15!